»Die Zensur ist das lebendige Geständnis der Großen, daß sie nur verdummte Sklaven treten, aber keine freien Völker regieren können.« (Johann Nepomuk Nestroy)
Dienstag, 26. Dezember 2023
Es ist mal wieder soweit: "Klassik zu den Feiertagen" Teil 4
Maurizio Pollini - Beethoven - Sonaten Opus 109 - 111 WAV Quality & Cover
Hello music lover friend, I'm trying to make ourselves known and thus have more followers. For this I have created the initiative'Let's continue on Blogger'
The initiative is designed to create a small community of music blogs of all genres that know each other and collaborate with each other, in addition to helping new bloggers who are taking their first steps in this world, like us.
And don't forget to make it known, the more people know it, the better.
The comment you can leave is this example: Hello! I am also part of this initiative. Thank you for stopping by my blog and following it; I'm back and here to stay. I hope you like the content.
1 Kommentar:
Hello music lover friend, I'm trying to make ourselves known and thus have more followers. For this I have created the initiative 'Let's continue on Blogger'
The initiative is designed to create a small community of music blogs of all genres that know each other and collaborate with each other, in addition to helping new bloggers who are taking their first steps in this world, like us.
You just have to read the instructions at this link http://bit.ly/4aALZkY
And don't forget to make it known, the more people know it, the better.
The comment you can leave is this example: Hello! I am also part of this initiative. Thank you for stopping by my blog and following it; I'm back and here to stay. I hope you like the content.
Blues Hendrix wishes you a Happy Holidays! 🎅🎅 🎄
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