»Die Zensur ist das lebendige Geständnis der Großen, daß sie nur verdummte Sklaven treten, aber keine freien Völker regieren können.« (Johann Nepomuk Nestroy)
Montag, 22. Februar 2010
Le son du Garage: Golden Triangle
Garage Rock from Brooklyn (New York)
Golden Triangle - Double Jointer
01. Cinco de Mayo 02. Blood and Arrow 03. Neon Noose 04. I Want to Know 05. Jellyroll 06. Death to Fame 07. Rollercoaster 08. Eyes to See 09. The Melting Wall 10. Jinx 11. Arson Wells
2 Kommentare:
hat gesagt…
I dismissed this band (and Thee Oh Sees and The Fresh & Onlys) for a long time because I thought they were just Brooklyn-style art school hipster poseurs. Now I'm glad I gave them another listen. I love catchy pop hooks (like in "Jinx") that grab my ears immediately, but most of this music is of the type that demands repeated listens to be fully appreciated. In the internet era, it's easy to not bother with repeated listens and just skip to the next band. I'm glad I gave this a chance to grow on me.
Also, I'm sorry I can't post en francaise. Thank you to the entire rest of the world for learning English! It makes things much easier for us in America!
2 Kommentare:
I dismissed this band (and Thee Oh Sees and The Fresh & Onlys) for a long time because I thought they were just Brooklyn-style art school hipster poseurs.
Now I'm glad I gave them another listen.
I love catchy pop hooks (like in "Jinx") that grab my ears immediately, but most of this music is of the type that demands repeated listens to be fully appreciated. In the internet era, it's easy to not bother with repeated listens and just skip to the next band. I'm glad I gave this a chance to grow on me.
Also, I'm sorry I can't post en francaise. Thank you to the entire rest of the world for learning English! It makes things much easier for us in America!
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