»Die Zensur ist das lebendige Geständnis der Großen, daß sie nur verdummte Sklaven treten, aber keine freien Völker regieren können.« (Johann Nepomuk Nestroy)
Sonntag, 28. März 2010
Updated - The Jonahs - Bills of Happiness
Overlooked Kiwi Popband from 1987
New Vinyl Rip, 320 Kb with Cover, first published 2008 on my old Blog
First of all, thank you very much for re-upload the links of some of the albums from The Chills and The Clean that where down.
I really love your blog as well as kiwi music. There are some bands that I never heard and that I am very interested to listen, but unfortunately, many of this links are down, and I can't find many of those records even to buy, so please, could you re-upload some of this "unknown" amazing bands?
- This one (The Jonahs - Bills of Happiness) - The Remarkables - Waiting For A Wave - Doublehappys (Cut it out, How much time left, please, Live 1985, Nerves) - It's Bigger than Both of us - New Zealand Punk & New Wave Singles 1979 - 1982 - The Wild Poppies records - The Skeptics records - Marie & The Atom - Yellow Read Aloud
1 Kommentar:
First of all, thank you very much for re-upload the links of some of the albums from The Chills and The Clean that where down.
I really love your blog as well as kiwi music. There are some bands that I never heard and that I am very interested to listen, but unfortunately, many of this links are down, and I can't find many of those records even to buy, so please, could you re-upload some of this "unknown" amazing bands?
- This one (The Jonahs - Bills of Happiness)
- The Remarkables - Waiting For A Wave
- Doublehappys (Cut it out, How much time left, please, Live 1985, Nerves)
- It's Bigger than Both of us - New Zealand Punk & New Wave Singles 1979 - 1982
- The Wild Poppies records
- The Skeptics records
- Marie & The Atom - Yellow Read Aloud
I hope is not too much.
Thanks a lot for everything.
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