»Die Zensur ist das lebendige Geständnis der Großen, daß sie nur verdummte Sklaven treten, aber keine freien Völker regieren können.« (Johann Nepomuk Nestroy)
Samstag, 10. November 2012
A Kiwi Music Month Part 1 - The Jean-Paul Sartre Experience - Bleeding Star
WAV Quality & Cover Scans
Youth Of America
Is Living In The Jungle.....
2 Kommentare:
hat gesagt…
i doubt this but, is it possible to re_Upload this nice release, please ?! it'll be very appreciated. & Thank you for posting it anyway x)
Hello there, I'm the one who requested a re-Upload via Email a couple of weeks ago & i first owe you an apology for making so long to "Thank you" for it. there are some complicated reasons for this.. but anyway & what's important ; is that i've enjoyed listening to this release several times & nothing less from the band that released "The Size of Food', The Album that i consider an essential in any Alternative collection.. Tracks on "Bleeding Star" are relatively short compared to those on their first one, & if we compared'em instrumentally regardless the vocal, we wouldn't be sure that we're talking about the same band if you know what i mean.. "Bleeding Star" is the real definition of Indie Rock in Alternative scene (with a little Psychedelic motion), while i find "The Size of Food' more Post-Punk tainted... Anyway, i would suggest to anybody with 'clean ears' trying'em both & Enjoy listening to this band's evolution... I'm still Discovering the 80's & early 90's Rock bands from New Zealand, & generally, it's Awesome Music, much underrated compared to some famous "crap" you often find in the first pages of a 'search'.. i'll be glad to discover & know more so if you got any more stuff from NZ, i'll be damned! x) By the way i've got few web releases of some NZ bands like: The CakeKitchen, The 3Ds, The Terminals, Snapper, Bailter Space, Peter Jefferies, Lung,... if you need more details, i'll be glad to share & return the favor x) ..// I'm sorry i've just noticed how talkative i was, i'd like to Thank you very much one more time for your appreciated share,/ Mit bestem dank und freundlichen Grüßen, Soufian.
2 Kommentare:
i doubt this but, is it possible to re_Upload this nice release, please ?! it'll be very appreciated. & Thank you for posting it anyway x)
Hello there, I'm the one who requested a re-Upload via Email a couple of weeks ago & i first owe you an apology for making so long to "Thank you" for it. there are some complicated reasons for this.. but anyway & what's important ; is that i've enjoyed listening to this release several times & nothing less from the band that released "The Size of Food', The Album that i consider an essential in any Alternative collection.. Tracks on "Bleeding Star" are relatively short compared to those on their first one, & if we compared'em instrumentally regardless the vocal, we wouldn't be sure that we're talking about the same band if you know what i mean.. "Bleeding Star" is the real definition of Indie Rock in Alternative scene (with a little Psychedelic motion), while i find "The Size of Food' more Post-Punk tainted... Anyway, i would suggest to anybody with 'clean ears' trying'em both & Enjoy listening to this band's evolution... I'm still Discovering the 80's & early 90's Rock bands from New Zealand, & generally, it's Awesome Music, much underrated compared to some famous "crap" you often find in the first pages of a 'search'.. i'll be glad to discover & know more so if you got any more stuff from NZ, i'll be damned! x) By the way i've got few web releases of some NZ bands like: The CakeKitchen, The 3Ds, The Terminals, Snapper, Bailter Space, Peter Jefferies, Lung,... if you need more details, i'll be glad to share & return the favor x) ..// I'm sorry i've just noticed how talkative i was, i'd like to Thank you very much one more time for your appreciated share,/ Mit bestem dank und freundlichen Grüßen, Soufian.
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