»Die Zensur ist das lebendige Geständnis der Großen, daß sie nur verdummte Sklaven treten, aber keine freien Völker regieren können.« (Johann Nepomuk Nestroy)
Freitag, 24. Juni 2016
"Updated" Veterans Weekend Part 1 - Deniz Tek - Detroit
WAV Quality & Cover Scans
3 Kommentare:
hat gesagt…
I would love to get this, as I've been a fan since I saw him with Radio Birdman in 1977. However, I can't find the link? Please?
Apologies if my eyesight has failed me but I cannot find the link :( Keep up the good work I really enjoy the music on offer here your blog is always worth a visit :)
3 Kommentare:
I would love to get this, as I've been a fan since I saw him with Radio Birdman in 1977. However, I can't find the link? Please?
Apologies if my eyesight has failed me but I cannot find the link :(
Keep up the good work I really enjoy the music on offer here your blog is always worth a visit :)
Many, many thanks!
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