»Die Zensur ist das lebendige Geständnis der Großen, daß sie nur verdummte Sklaven treten, aber keine freien Völker regieren können.« (Johann Nepomuk Nestroy)
Sonntag, 28. Januar 2018
"Updated 09.05.2023" Heimatklänge Teil 2 - Leopold Kraus Wellenkapelle - 15 Black Forest Surf Originals
I remember the first time I listened to them. It was a 7" sung in french "La fille electrique" (Larsen). I made my local record shop contact Kamikaze records and I got those 2 LPs as well as some Montesas.
Any chance for "No Parking in the dancefloor"?????
2 Kommentare:
Danke Schön!!!!!!!
I love the Wellenkapelle.
I remember the first time I listened to them. It was a 7" sung in french "La fille electrique" (Larsen). I made my local record shop contact Kamikaze records and I got those 2 LPs as well as some Montesas.
Any chance for "No Parking in the dancefloor"?????
Next week i will Post Part 3 & 4
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